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List of Simple Questions 16

On the List of Simple Questions page and on the others alike (see links to them below), you can find answers to all spectrums of issues this website is dedicated for!
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Some of the questions are simple enough and you can find answers right here on this page.
The others are more complicated and I provided links to the pages on my site where you can find free information.
For the third part of the questions that are not that simple, as you may think, I provided links to the paid pages or books on my site.

So, please scroll down, find your question and good luck!

Books on how to install furnaces and ductwork.
There are no books available for this type of installation besides my Ductwork Installation Guide e-book. Of course you still can find two very outdated PDF files. So, if you love retro books enjoy them.

Ductwork Installation Guide

Introducing a completely current and innovative way to learn the basics of Ductwork and Furnace Installation!...

Can a cold air return duct be at same level on both sides of common wall?

Can a direct vent PVC exhaust be run up an old chimney?
You can run your vents up the old chimney, have done it many times and it is a nice way to get vents out of the way. You won't be able to share venting with your water heater; however, each appliance needs to be vented separately.

Can a furnace filter be placed in cold air return duct work?
Well, it actually the place where any furnace filter belongs.

Can a high efficiency furnace exhaust have end caps?
They name it a Top Cap.

Can a register be used as a cold air return?
Yes, especially if you use it for the basement cold air return.

Can a shower drain run thru a heating cool air return duct?
No, it should be isolated.

Can all my flex duct be the same size for my heat pump?
Yes, only the main duct should be bigger.

Can blocked condensate pump to pump water through house?
Re-read what you wrote, you might find the answer there.

Can flexible air ducts be used in basement renovations?

Can I connect fresh air duct to humidifier?

Can I cut a floor joist to install a cold air return in the basement?
Well, it is never a good idea to cut any joists, and especially for a cold air return in the basement…

Can I discharge the humidifier overflow into the A/c condensate drain pipe?
Yes, it how they usually do it.

Can I hang picture below return vent?

Can I insulate the ductwork next to my furnace to reduce the noise to living room directly above?
I won’t reduce noise if you insulate it on the outside – you should do it on the inside.

Can I put my cold air return in the ceiling in basement?
Yes you can – if you are lazy, otherwise put it low in the wall.

Can I tape 4 small filters together for my furnace to equivalent a big one?
Are you so desperate? Call to Washington to extend your unemployment benefits!

Can I trim a concentric vent for a furnace?
In many cases you must trim a concentric vent; learn how to do it on this page.

Can I use the dryer if the duct fell off?
If you like the smell and lint that is flying around, and if this is an electrical dryer, then why not?!?

Can I vent first generation high efficiency furnace outside?
You must vent it outside or you can vent it to your mother-in-law bedroom…

Can plastic tube touch furnace pipe?
If you are asking about exhaust pipe, then no.

Can round insulated duct be used as a cold air return?
Yes, why not?

Can we run gas line in plenum ceiling?

Can you make a 12" size metal ductwork pipe out of a 16" pipe?
Yes, you can. Learn how to do it on this page.

5. 7” Duct Fabrication Trick


Bundle of 6" pipes                             7" pipe 4' long

Recently my boss sent me to do a minor repair in Ann Arbor, MI. He called on my telephone and said that 6” round pipe in a house that we finished two month ago was smashed and I had to replaced it. He asked if I have any materials, I checked it out and found a bundle of 6” pipes in my truck. One hour later and 45 miles away from any supply house I found out that actually it was 7” pipe! I came back to my truck and found a piece of 7" pipe 4’ long, but I need a five footer! After using several words one of them four letters long toward the "fucking" superintendent who couldn’t distinguish between 6” and 7” pipes I made 15” long piece of 7” pipe from 6” pipe in less than a minute!

How did I do it?

Can you put a 12' flex duct on a plenum and run four 6" flex ducts off of it and still have 700 cfm?
6” flex can handle less than 100 CFM. Maybe you can 700 CFM throughout four of them, but I doubt it.

Can you put flexible ductwork under ground?

Can you run cold air return between floor and insulation?
Yes, but insulation should be rigid or you have to isolate it.

Can you run cold air return within wall without ducting?
It’s what you should do.

Can you use thermo-pan for supply air?

Children breathing in PVC furnace ventilation pipe exhaust.
This statement came from Noblesville, Indiana!
So my question is – Are you guys so desperate?

Could new duct smell like oil?

Do electric furnaces need a cold air return?
Any type of furnace needs a cold air return.

Do you damage your window air conditioner if it freezes up?
If it freezes up it is already damaged, call a pro or just replace it. Buy a window A/C below.

Do you have to put a cold air return in every room?
Yes, almost in every room – this way it works better.

Do you need fresh air for central air conditioning?

Do you open bottom wall returns in winter time for heat pumps?

Does a condenser fan run all the time when heat is on?
No, it doesn’t run in the defrost mode.

Does a round duct cause more noise than a square duct?
It depends on the type of noise, but rather no.

Does a zoning T-stat in bed room control the A/C unit?

Does anyone actually keep the AC on in winter?
I believe some people in the Deep South use it all year-round.

Does duct zoning work to cool upstairs in summer?
Well, it might, what’s the problem?

Does furnace vent need to be wrapped in attic?

Does the heating system come with the fan in the outside?
No, unless it is a heat pump, but they call it a condenser.

Dog vomits when gas furnace kicks on.
This is good! This way you can save on the carbon monoxide detector!

Duct installation course in Sydney.
C’mon, just purchase mine, it is as good or even better then the Sydney’s one!

Ducts wrap insulation templates for elbows.
Just wrap an elbow with the wrap insulation and follow its shape with a utility knife.

Filtering fresh air intake for heat pump.
You shouldn’t filter fresh air intake.

Floor register installation guide.
C’mon, you do not need an installation guide to install a floor register, just drop it in the hole in the floor and that’s all…

Fresh air intake for furnace was installed right next to exhaust.
If you are referring to the PVC intake, then it is perfectly fine. Just look at the installation manual.

Fresh air intake PVC on this high efficiency furnace and to explain why this is so important.
You are referring to the combustion air intake and you need it to save on your utility bill.

Have a new furnace, new ducts and vents, old plenum. Supposed to be quieter than old furnace but it is noisier. Could it be the size of the furnace?
Well, it could be. Maybe you ductwork is undersized.

Hình ảnh về return damper (Vietnamese - image of return damper).
There is no such thing as a return damper…

How a thermostat for a furnace works for idiots?
Well, I’m not sure. If you connect it to a furnace it will turn it on and off, but if you connect it to an idiot the result could be unpredictable...

How do I get the air flow to increase from my furnace?
The simplest way is to re-wire your blower.

How do I install a furnace into a house with no ductwork?
But what the problem just install furnace and ductwork at the same time. Learn how to do it on this page. And you can buy ductwork on the right.

How do I install additional returns?
This isn’t the easiest task, but if you wouldn’t visit only one page on my site and spent zero seconds on it you would definitely learn how to do that.
How do you attach a cold air return to previous ducting?
This is a very interesting question…
I think that you can attach a cold air return to the previous duct exactly the same way as you will attach it to the following one…

How do you install condensation drain to cold air intake?
You do not need a condensation drain for the cold air intake, just insulate it.

How do you line a hvac plenum to reduce noise?
Well, at first you have to disconnect it, glue acoustic duct liner on the inside and put everything back together.

How do you prevent mice from gaining access to furnace intake vent?
You should install a screen.

How do you seal microwave exhaust vent pipe?
You can use aluminum tape.

How far away should you insulate from a furnace?
When it comes to insulation – every sheet metal part should be insulated.

How many individual rooms can I put into one cold air return?

How many vents can I have off a 10" duct?
Four 6” vents.

How many vents should be attached to a/c thermostat?
Vents to thermostat?!? Ask you doctor for the additional medications…

How to build a condensate P- trap?
Indeed, you can build it from four ¾” PVC 90*-s, but you can purchase one on the right.

How to mount a drain line for condensate pump?
You have to run it next to any pipes in the ceiling and fix it with the zip ties or electrical tape. Otherwise use plastic clamps. Buy them on the right.

How to properly install duct work in a wall?
This part of my Ductwork Installation Guide book dedicated to this issue.

How to properly install insulation on duct work?
Please learn how to do it on this page.

Ductwork Insulation

Before insulating, seal all the gaps around drive, pipe connections and take-offs. The best stuff for duct seal are special mastics or duct sealants...

How to run ductwork through top plate?
I was really puzzled why this visitor didn’t find the answer to this question! Just take your time, look around, on my site you can find almost any step-by-step instructions to almost any ductwork related issues!

How to screw up your neighbors central ac systems?
This question came from Manhasset, New York!
Well the best and the most innocent way of doing that is just let your dog to pee on your neighbor’s condenser…

How to split force air 6in ductwork in four?
You can use Tees, Wyes, Saddle Tees or look at the other option on this page.

How to start installation of hvac ducting?
Well, for some of you it sounds as an oxymoron, but you have to start from purchasing of my Ductwork Installation Guide book…

How to tie multiple condensate drains together with traps?
You have to use the PVC Tee-s. Buy them on the right.

I'm reading some stuff online and also Section 401.4 of the Int'l Mechanical Code, about Intake Openings for equipment. It seems furnaces (e.g., natural gas) require some sort of air intake vent. This perplexed me. My home's natural gas furnace only has exhaust piping but no separate piping for an air intake; I always assumed the needed air for combustion was taken from my basement's ambient air, through side vents in the furnace case. Do newer furnaces require separate air intake piping? Is ambient air around the furnace inadequate for the combustion process?

Combustion air is taken from your leaky house BUT as new houses in Canada are so airtight the bldg code changed 25 yrs ago to require a combustion/comb air intake. That was with mid efficiency furnaces that used a chimney.
Retrofits are not covered as they are usually leaky.
Now we can only use high efficiency furnaces with no chimney and most people use the 2 pipe system to take the comb air from outside.
We can still take it from the house but if your house is very airtight that is not a good idea. The pressure switch for the burner ensures you have enough comb air either way.
Point is if your house is very airtight you may need a combustion air pipe from outside but if you use a 2 pipe system you don't have to worry about it.
If the furnace room is sealed then you need a comb air pipe for natural draft units like a water heater. If it is open to the house you don't.

I have 16x8 supply and return ducts. I want to remove the ducts and run exposed 10 inch round supply and return. I can't find a square to round transition piece in that size. Any suggestions?

Well, 10" round is equal to 10x8 duct, so good thing you didn't find any in 16x8 to 10" round. You would need to run 14" round to move the same amount of air.

3. How to Make from Round to Square Transition
Learn how to make round to square and to rectangular transition by using hand tools only. 27 pictures. Price: $2.50.

I have old wall ducts replacing them is it better to put the register on the floor or in the wall?
You can put them either way, the way you like more.

I need to include a 90 degree turn in my flexible ductwork - how much airflow will I lose?
From different sources 90* elbow equal from 5 to 10 feet of straight duct.

If heater inducer motor dies, how safe am I?
I think that you should be OK, because the pressure switch will shut your furnace off.

If I shorten my duct will my exhaust fan work better?

If the fan blade on your air conditioner comes off will it damage the unit?
But what do you think would happens genius?

Illegal furnace in garage.
Hmm, an illegal furnace in your garage!?! Where it came from, from Mexico?

Installing ducts in an existing home what to expect?
Well, pretty much what you can see in these pics

Is a furnace plenum supposed to mix air?
Is closing the registers, return vents and doors to unused rooms a good idea to save money?
Yes you can save some money just like I do, but first please visit this page.

Is it illegal to put a grill on your dryer vent?
I’m not sure if it’s illegal, but it’s more practical to use a wall cap with removable louvers. Buy one on the right.

Is it ok to have a central return in basement hvac?

Is it ok to keep my fan on my furnace blowing?
If there is a variable speed motor then I would recommend do it in the winter time only. Otherwise you can do it if the money ain’t the issue…

Is it okay if I put the furnace air filter in upside down?
No, it could be sucked in.

Is there such thing as a 3" damper?
You can use dividers, then tin snips and the damper hardware or trim an existing one.

My air handler is in the attic return vent in the ceiling which way do face my filter?

Sealing off a floor vent covered by kitchen cabinets.
Do not seal it off, make a toe kick heat!

Sheet metal duct installation training pdf.
Yes, there is this kind of manual on the web, and I surprised how did you missed it. However, this training material is absolutely outdated and doesn’t worth reading.

Should I use duct tape to connect 4 in pipe from bath fan?
Yes, you can, and secure it with screws.

Should the metal ducts coming from my furnace be very hot?
If it is very hot then check out your filter or call a pro in.

Should there be ducting running from the floor vent to the toe kick vent?
No, they suppose to be hooked up to the main duct separately, or you can run a large duct/pipe/flex and split it with a Tee or Wye.

Should you turn off the condensate pump for a heat pump in the winter?
Unless, you have a humidifier the answer is yes. But do not forget to turn it back on…

Software to make furnace plenum.
You do not need no stinking software to make a furnace plenum, unless, your furnace designed for a spaceship…

Water leaking into draft inducer.
For many types of furnaces it is perfectly fine.

What does a gas leak sound like in furnace?

What idiot builds heat registers in the ceiling?
This question came from San Jose, California and I’m in a complete agreement with this person. I also would like to know who was that idiot that had the bright idea to put registers on the ceiling.

What is the main purpose of a thermostat installed in return air duct?
It looks like a temporary thermostat to me…

What is this sound every night from my neighbor’s house? Sounds like an unbalanced washing machine?
Stop spying on your neighbor, maybe he does washing something every night, get a life.

When a furnace starts up and stops?
It happens when thermostat will say so…

When to install ductwork during my kitchen remodel?
Once you removed old cabinets and drywall it is time to do the ductwork job.

Where can I find an article, paper or website explaining why sheet metal duct is the better than flex duct and duct board in Florida, or other hot humid states, when installed in the attic?                                        ACCA Manual D and J explains the differences, but again, it doesn't really matter what material you use. As long as it's sized, sealed and insulated properly.

Why crimp ductwork?
Nobody crimp ductwork, cause for ductwork you should use S-cleats – drives connection!

Why do roof trusses present a problem to running flexible ducts through the trusses?
No problem, just run it through.

Why does it sound like water dripping in the ducts?
It is not water and it is not a dripping sound it is ticking noise. Learn how to eliminate it on this page.

Ticking Noise Elimination

If you did not finish your basement off yet then it would be relatively simple to fix. Also, if in your basement you have a drop ceiling then consider yourself as a lucky one, the most difficult task would be if your ductwork is covered with the drywall!..

Will clogged furnace drain prevent furnace from working?
It depends were it got clogged – if it is inside of your furnace then yes, if it’s outside then no.

الدكت اي In Persian that means: any duct.
Yes, that’s right, for Iranians, as for anybody else, on this site, I have a lot of info about any ductwork installations.

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